Life of Ning The Logbook
March 27th, 2024

⭐️ 2024-03-27: A Messy Day, A Joyful Family

Daily Log

⭐ One Line for 2024-03-27: I felt frustrated while trying to transfer files between cloud services, but my day significantly improved when I spent time with my family, laughing at our collective incompetence in caring for my dad's eye post-surgery.

A Messy Day

Today, I am feeling under the weather. I struggled to focus on writing or even think clearly. I figured I'd do a mindless task of transferring files between cloud services and an SSD. However, this seemingly simple task turned out to be quite challenging. My disk kept ejecting itself, the cloud wouldn't sync properly, and the transfer process frequently froze. Now, in addition to feeling physically unwell, my mind is restless.

A Joyful Family

Despite the challenges of the day, one positive moment stood out. My mom, dad, and I had a fun time figuring out how to care for my dad's eye following his surgery by watching a video of the doctor's instructions. It was funny to see the doctor at a loss for words after my dad playfully asked silly questions. lol 

Additionally, I found joy in mimicking a surgeon's hand position while waiting for my mom to bring me the necessary equipment. These small, silly moments on an otherwise ordinary day brought me so much joy.