Life of Ning The Logbook
April 18th, 2024

💻 Adding Fallback Fonts on My Main Blog


The issue with my fonts not loading properly on my main blog still persists, and I don't have the energy or effort to troubleshoot it.

While I aim to fill my website with personality, I opted to select excellent fallback fonts instead.

I just stumbled upon this fantastic resource for incorporating a system font stack organized by typeface classification into a CSS code. 

This approach allows me to at least control the typeface classifications, ensuring a relatively consistent style for all readers of the blog.

So, after my embedded fonts, I added stacks of Geometric Humanist for the body text and Humanist for the headings. I also added some Thai system fonts and called it a day.

It'd go like this:

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
font-family: 'Bricolage Grotesque', 'Fraunces', 'Mitr', ‘Seravek, 'Gill Sans Nova', Ubuntu, Calibri, 'DejaVu Sans', source-sans-pro, ‘Geneva’, ‘Verdana’, ui-rounded, 'Sukhumvit', 'Noto Sans Thai Looped', 'Noto Sans Thai', 'PSL Ornanong', 'Ayuthaya', 'Silom', 'FreesiaUPC', 'CordiaUPC', 'BrowalliaUPC', sans-serif !important; 
font-weight: bold;

 Super quick and easy. 

Overall, I am quite pleased with the result.

The blog displays a combination of Bricolage Grotesque and Atkinson Hyperlegible fonts.

My blog displays a combination of Bricolage Grotesque and Atkinson Hyperlegible fonts.

The blog displays fonts from the Geometric Humanist and Humanist typefaces based on the device being used.

My blog displays fonts from the Geometric Humanist and Humanist typefaces based on the device being used.

Now, I can focus on refining categories to ensure compatibility across all sections of my Scribbles blogs. ✌️