Life of Ning The Logbook
April 20th, 2024

🎨💻 New Logo for Ning Narrative Notebook!


Got a new logo for my blog, Ning Narrative Notebook. Decided to design it myself for the lettering practice. Spent almost 3 hours on it this morning.

New Logo for Ning Narrative Notebook, using "NN" to resemble a corner of a page in a notebook.
New Logo for Ning Narrative Notebook, using "NN" to resemble a corner of a page in a notebook.

The idea of using "NN" to resemble a corner of a page in a notebook struck me. So, I settled on just using "NN" for Ning Narrative and let the blog title do the talking. I experimented with some variations before settling with this one.

Pretty happy with how it turned out, even with some flaws. Could have worked on it more, but, you know, laziness strikes. 

I’m having a love-hate relationship with the Procreate app—easy to use but not vector-based. Should I look for other apps? 🤔